Sunday, August 4

Shah Alam - Chelsea Asia Tour 2013

It has been 5 years since I last saw Chelsea played live. Coincidentally it was also in Shah Alam, Malaysia.

The trip was planned and all tickets bought in a day. Air tickets, match tickets, hotel... And off me and YQ went on the adventure!

Blues magazine - It's blue. what else matters?
10:30am - Took a morning Airasia flight into Kuala Lumpur on match day (Sunday). Since kick off is only at 9:45pm, we decided to take our time before checking into the hotel.

11:30am - Landed at the budget terminal. *shocked* Didnt notice that when doing the booking... we figured out by asking for directions to KLIA. there's a shuttle to KLIA which is outside the departure area. RM2.50. *shocked* moment 2, the bus leaks water when it makes turns. Terrible ride but... We pulled through it.

12 noon - Finally at KLIA, we took the KLIA Express to KL Sentral. Quick and not too expensive. 70RM/2way.

Fountain outside KLCC
Being YQ's first time in KL (since secondary school days), first stop was KLCC. The sun was out in full force but we just had to get that touristy twin towers picture. Lunch was at Madam Kwan's - the Nasi Lemak did not disappoint.

2pm - It was only 2pm so we decided to cab over to Berjaya Times Square for some Krispy Kreme. Another must try when in KL. We walked around some more until we got really bored, we actually walked back to KLCC to take the train to KL Sentral.

5pm - From KL Sentral, it was a 30-40mins train ride to Shah Alam station at RM2.50! Cheap or what.. When we reached the station, we took a taxi to our hotel. Only 10mins away.

6pm - Finally we were here to rest the weary legs. Walked so much in the day... But as you'll find out later, the worse has yet to come.

7pm - Washed up, and went to the nearby mall for dinner. To our horror, it was Ramadan period and people are just breaking their fast. Which means all restaurants are filled to the max. Ended up ordering take out at Nando's to eat in the room. I love Nando's in Malaysia cos it's again so cheap. Same price as the menu in Singapore, but in ringgit. In case u're ordering take out, do check they packed in the utensils if not u'll end up eating with hands like we did.

8:30pm - All set and ready to go! A taxi was waiting just outside to ferry people to stadium. But they're charging a flat rate of RM20 which we thought was too high. Failing to negotiate, we decided to walk out to try flagging a cab. Bad choice. Because there were no empty cabs on the road! Now we wished we had paid that RM20 and just be done with it...

8:45pm - We were a little worried now. Just hoping to have any vehicle stop and we will pay that RM20 to go to the stadium. And like god sent, a car pulled up in front of us. The window shade at the backseat rolled down and a dark skinned (like African kind of dark) asked: You going to the stadium? You know the way?

Us: yes! Can we hop in your car? (*actually I don't. Hoping road signs would show the way!)

Him: come on in!

I was feeling relieved and skeptical at the same time traveling in a stranger's car. Especially when they claimed they're going to the stadium, but not wearing Chelsea jersey. Anyhow, we're already in. I tried to find out more about them by asking if they work here. And it was quite settling to hear that they are students... which i choose to believe. Although it seems weird that 3 Nigerian boys came all the way to Malaysia for studies. We stopped by a nearby gas station for some gas, and I took the chance to ask a local for directions. THANKFULLY, the stadium wasn't too far from where we are and I had the iPhone Map for guidance.

Along the way, we were reassured with the cars making their way alongside us.. So it's a sign we're on the right track. The 5 of us also talked about the latest transfer rumors e.g Reina leaving Liverpool... Rooney to Chelsea...
And our favorite Chelsea player. Had a good laugh when someone mentioned Torres. Turns out he's an Arsenal fan.

So after 5-10mins of driving, the stadium was finally in sight! *sigh of relief* we reached there alive. We parted ways after reaching the stadium because the 3 of them had to buy tickets to the game while we got ours. When they offered to take us back, I wouldn't want to take a second chance (although they seemed like good people) and thanked them for the ride and bidded goodbye.

There were other  interesting snippets that happened in the stadium:

- Man united fan being stripped out of his jersey

- An angmoh sitting behind us almost got beaten up after approaching a local to politely request him to stop smoking

- Bertrand Traore celebrating his opening goal in front of us

12am - So after game, we walked out of the stadium feeling really tired. And the best part is no available taxis, again. We ended up walking back to hotel. Mind you, it was about 2.5km away. Not too far, not too near either.

12:45am - Reached the hotel. What a crazy night. Thankful for the 3 kind souls who took us there, and also managing to get home safely.

Rested for the night and went back to Singapore the next afternoon. I'll want to do this again next time Chelsea visit, and lesson learnt.

I'll pay the RM20 taxi ride. It's definitely worth it.

Friday, June 28

今晚,我夢見了你們 (凌晨 5 點的夢)



陳綺貞出現了! 她穿著一貫的白色T牛仔褲,很慢很慢地走向房前的空椅,坐下調整吉他🎸背帶。然後,開口唱:

"天空突然下起 傾盆大雨
戀人在屋簷下 相偎相依
移動我的腳步 輕鬆躲雨
人潮擁擠握住 溼熱的手心"



"小步舞曲" 唱完了,但是對歌後面都沒什麼印象。應該就是心不在焉。我依舊靠著你。

下一首歌是 "旅行的意義"。這時,神秘嘉賓出現了;









Tuesday, February 28

五月天 諾亞方舟 演唱會 - 新加坡站


就在今天,諾亞方舟從台北南航,抵達獅城停靠一晚。票是沒像台北出現秒殺,但還是爆滿,也增設很久沒在台北出現的搖滾區。聽說有些買了搖滾區的乘客從前一天8pm就開始排隊為了佔到好位置。這就是為甚麼搖滾區不在台北出現 ....五迷真的太搖滾了~


台北我們在二樓,這次卻只離伸展台兩排的距離。很high吼?整場看下來,得到的結論是台北很感動,新加坡少了感動但 high 多了!站我旁边的五迷超级投入,她的甩头/摇摆 /尖叫 都告诉我她很爱五月天。唱到「离开地球表面」就真的是高潮。她跳跳跳,地板也跟着晃晃晃,我要是不跟着跳我可能 真的会晕倒!所以我是该感谢这位很high的五迷..

很幸运的主唱阿信状态佳,密密的歌词和高音都很到位!也因為對新加坡場期待不高,所以換來了很享受的夜晚.五月天下個巡迴演唱會如果時間允許,一定會想到台北或別的場地感受. 應該很棒.

這個週末 就會飛到台北看兩場演唱會! 超級期待!
蘇打綠 全員歸隊的第一場大型演唱會 在小巨蛋 / 和魏如萱首場大型個人售票演唱會在 TICC.

下個post 就記錄感想! ^^

Friday, February 24

Cooling Off Day 2nd Run

Today, or rather yesterday since it's now past 12 midnight, was the first showing for the 2nd run of Cooling Off Day. I bought the ticket just this week, no plans originally to watch the play again but I had time plus good seats still available for opening day, so yes I bought it anyway. The new venue is definitely a draw, me being first time at SOTA Theatre. Different venue, different sparks, i thought.


As much as I enjoyed the stories and vivid impersonations of some characters, it wasn't quite as enjoyable as watching it the first time. Timeliness could be a reason, now being Feb and quite a while since Elections ended. "Freshness" of the content also did dampen the level of excitement.. interviews collected for the play raised issues that were 'current' a few months back but maybe not so much now.

Or maybe it's just me cos' there were still moments of roaring laughter and applauding in agreement. Watching it the second time did however remind me of on-the-ground sentiments during elections. And what is interesting now that we're in the future (as compared to when the interviews were collected), we can look back and have more visibility on the changes that have or have not occured after the elections.

I felt strongly for the portion on retirement. "My children will never know the meaning of retired. They will only know what is TIRED!" says one of the characters. Citing examples of 30-year HDB loan and working despite in the 60s.. this is really depressing. I don't think if given a choice, anyone would want to work when they're in the 6os. More so if you're working as a cleaner.

The vicious cycle continues......

Monday, February 13

華藝節2012 / Huayi Festival 2012

華藝節2012看了兩場音樂會 - 魏如萱 / 雷光夏
和舞台劇 - 那一夜,在旅途說相聲.




(Crazyworld Cafe - 创作分享会)


期待她在TICC 首場大型售票演出.

P.s 鼓手 Peter 隨節奏甩頭加大力的打鼓很好聽/看

Thursday, January 26

龍年2012 隆咚隆咚~ 锵!

抗拒西藥,特別是自認為傷身的 panadol, 堅決一粒也不吞。覺得發燒就是身體和病毒在對抗,我又幹嗎干擾呢?

過了一晚,早上起來身體好多了。除夕在家圍爐邊吃火鍋邊看足球!就這樣,2012 龍年在下著大雨的夜裡而我在專注看 Man United v.s. Arsenal 默默降臨了。

不變的,話題和去年類似總是圍繞著 - 拿到屋子了沒有?拿哪裡? 幾樓?多少錢? 幾時結婚?有完沒完啊各位?


Auntie 知道我不舒服也特別為了我燙餃子 - 真是貼心。


量了體溫,38.4... 倒回床上睡。就這樣睡了一天,除了起來尿,喝水, 即意思露個臉看特地來拜訪的姑姑/家人,其餘時間都是睡。晚餐有媽媽和女友煮的粥配 最愛的香菇肉醬罐頭。還是托外婆叫表弟護送過來的。病人最大~!我媽還幫我刮了手臂,背,說這樣血才會循環。看到我皮膚漸漸被刮紅,還很自豪的說著~ 也喝了她自制羚羊水。休息了一天,燒依然沒退。

燒仿佛神跡般的退,腳也漸漸開始暖了。強~ 西藥,你贏了。




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